Plenk2010 Journey:

I'd like to learn how to set up, interact, facilitate and create knowledge in a PLE type environment

October 05, 2010

Value of learning artefacts

On the Friday conversation of the first week, a formula was drawn to assess the value of an artefact .  The formula was simply an aggregation of the most important variables that should be consider, no more but that is an encouraging start.
I think that it is very important to have an evaluation of what is produced.  Without something like that, it is quite difficult to establish a selective mechanism for sorting out the large amount of input.
I also think that an evaluation of some kind would allow for a reward mechanism for producing valuable knowledge to the web, whether it is new knowledge, new way to present, useful aggregation or guide through the multitude.
Wouldn't you like to be rewarded for what you contribute?

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